Amazon eBook Publishing

Publishing an EBook on Amazon

Amazon is undeniably a great place to publish an EBook. It gained the trust of the relevant market for so many years. The launching of the original Amazon in 1995 significantly changed the manner in how people acquire books. Amazon still continues to attract the reputation of the enthusiasts. 

Any author is welcome to gain incredible exposure of their EBooks through the publishing service of Amazon. The most important thing to publish eBooks on Amazon is the solitary right of ownership. If you are the primary author and owner of your eBook then you can comfortably publish on Amazon.

Amazon eBook publishing is a free online resource that details all information about publishing with Amazon. 

Registering on Amazon Digital Text Platform

DTP or Digital Text Platform is a self-publishing service of Amazon where any American citizen can register for an account, publish and market eBooks through the service of Amazon. In order to take advantage of Amazon’s eBook publishing one need to have an account in the DTP; it is created by Amazon in association with the kindle eBook reader. Iphones are also able to access to Amazon eBooks.


Amazon publishing steps:

  1. Register an account on DTP. It is free; and it shall go smooth of you are the sole owner of your eBook.
  2. Add important information for your account, these are the mailing address and banking information, and a few more.
  3. Go to the Dashboard, click "My shelf" and choose to "Add new item."
  4. Enter a title and description for your content.
  5. Choose the most relevant categories and keywords for your eBook so you can target your specific market effectively.
  6. Upload the content of your eBook. Your content can be in HTML which is the most suggested you can also upload formats in PDF, plain text or word document.
  7. Introduce the price of your eBook; keep it reasonable to your target market. 

A Few Tips:

  • It would be easy if you can format your EBook using the MS Word to save it in the HTML format.
  • Elucidate the cover of your EBook with an attractive image.